
We are seeking climate fiction authors to join The World’s Revolution universe!

We want climate fiction designed to push the boundaries and intersections of science fiction and fantasy. Do you want to explore tech-centered climate solutions? Fantastic. Are you interested in exploring the spiritual side of the human experience? Wonderful. Are you committed to weaving the power of collective revolution into your climate narratives? Perfect.

All of it fits under the umbrella of The World’s Revolution.

We are seeking three distinct types of stories:

  • Flash Fiction (500 - 1,000 words). Craft a compelling climate fiction narrative providing a snapshot of a character in The World’s Revolution setting. For flash fiction, we pay a flat rate of $10 per story.

  • Short Stories for our 2022 Anthology (2,000 - 10,000 words). Develop a narrative using new or existing characters from the World’s Revolution setting that occurs after the events of GAIA AWAKENS, our first anthology. For short stories, we pay $0.01 per word.

  • Novellas (under 40,000 words) and Novels (above 40,000 words). We are interested in working with authors to develop long-form climate fiction narratives set in The World’s Revolution universe! Whether you’ve written a story with us before or you’re just discovering us, we encourage you to think boldly about a possible climate fiction novella or novel or even a whole series! Our starting rate for novellas is $100 + royalties; for novels, our starting rate is $200 plus royalties. IMPORTANT: Novellas and Novels feature a separate submission process, available here.


Interested in Submitting a Story to The World’s Revolution?

Stories written for the World’s Revolution should comply with the following guidelines:

  • Contain a SciFi/Fantasy element connected to the environment

  • Feature a hero taking action to protect people or their environment

  • Inspire hope for a future where we solve the climate crisis

  • Occur within the setting and timeline featured in GAIA AWAKENS (our first anthology) & the information provided on our website

We would appreciate your support by purchasing a copy of GAIA AWAKENS if you want to create a story using one of our existing characters. However, if you cannot afford the e-book, feel free to contact us at and we will send you a free digital copy. Just give us a brief description of your story idea!

We encourage you to think boldly with your stories. What does the word “Revolution” mean to you? What do you fear most about the climate crisis? When you hear the phrase, “Gaia Awakens,” what do you feel?

Whether it’s a woman using a unique power to remove pollution from a community’s drinking water or a farmer rejuvenating their soil with life using only their mind, anything is possible. Or maybe a regular person, without an ability, survives a disaster leading to an awakening of unique powers. Perhaps a person survives a strange and fantastical attack against human causes of climate change by the environment itself.

We expect every story to be optimistic for a future where we solve the climate crisis. We expect every story to be driven by compelling characters. We expect every story to integrate issues of environmental injustice into the plot & setting.


Correct! If your story is selected, you’ll work closely with the editors to make any minor changes to ensure your story meshes properly with the other stories in the World’s Revolution. 

Make sure you read Gaia Awakens to get an initial idea of the length and style we’re looking for. Hopefully, the anthology gives you a few ideas for what you want to write, too. 

In addition to Catalyst, we’ve created a page that provides a few facts and a timeline of significant events. When drafting your story, if you have any questions about the setting, please contact C. D. Tavenor, one of our editors, at

However, do not feel like you need to integrate any of the details we’ve provided into your story! Use your creativity to its fullest. As long as your story doesn’t contradict anything we’ve established, you’re good to go.


Submit your story, cover letter, and other information using this Google Form.

Your story should be formatted in your preferred, professional manuscript format (.doc or .docx files only). 

Your cover letter should detail why the climate crisis matters to you. If you have personally experienced the impacts of climate change, please highlight that experience! 

We are particularly interested in stories written by authors who have experienced the direct effects of environmental injustice. We also encourage intersectional stories exploring the relationship between the climate crisis, racial justice, reproductive justice, colonialism, capitalism, and indigenous experiences. We want stories written from the heart.

In addition to your personal connection to the climate crisis, provide a brief (3 - 5 sentence) summary of your story. Introduce the character, the story’s relationship to climate change, and its central conflict.

Tell us what you did to ensure your story works within the setting of the World's Revolution.

Finally, provide any other information we should know about you, whether it’s a unique educational background, worldview, or something else entirely.

Finally, if you have any publishing credits (including independently published projects), please let us know. And feel free to share your website and social media!

So what are you waiting for? Start writing your stories. The World’s Revolution is waiting to be populated with heroic tales and hopeful narratives creating and recreating solutions to the climate crisis.