Brandon Crilly

Author of Two More Days to Sydney, featured in Gaia Awakens: A Climate Crisis Anthology

Author of Hiding Out In Oregon, featured in Nature Erupts: A Climate Crisis Anthology

An Ottawa teacher by day, Brandon Crilly has been previously published by Daily Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, Fusion Fragment, Haven Spec, and other markets. His IPPY Award-winning fantasy novel Catalyst was published by Atthis Arts in October 2022, followed shortly by his first games publication, Bestiarium Vocabulum, from Fat Goblin Games. He’s also an Aurora Award-winning podcaster, conference organizer for Can*Con, a reviewer, and regularly has too many D&D campaign ideas than he could ever fit into his schedule. Find out more about his upcoming releases by following him on Instagram or signing up for his newsletter via

You can find Brandon at or on Twitter: @B_Crilly.


Ernest Solar


jason A. Bartles