A.E. Faulkner
Author of The Spin & Culling Day, featured in Gaia Awakens: A Climate Crisis Anthology
Co-Author of Hierarchy of Need, featured in Nature Erupts: A Climate Crisis Anthology
AE Faulkner is a young adult dystopian author. Her debut novel, Darkness Falls, is the first book in the fictional Nature's Fury series, which explores the Earth's possible response to humans poisoning her streams, abusing her animals and destroying her beauty. After devouring The Hunger Games trilogy, she quickly became captivated by dystopian novels.
After several years of reading them, she decided to take a stab at writing one that combined her love for nature with her fear of human destruction.
A. E. Faulkner was born and raised in Pennsylvania. When she’s not lost in a book, she loves spending time with her husband and two sons, especially while hiking, biking, or exploring nature. She loves almost everything about nature—ticks excluded, and one of her biggest fears is the repercussions we will face when nature can no longer tolerate human destruction. As such, she never tires of reading dystopian-themed tales. Stories about the end of the world absolutely fascinate her.
To learn more about A.E. Faulkner, visit https://linktr.ee/authoraefaulkner.